Trip 1: A Fishy Adventure – Luke 5:1-11

Companions – people who are often together or work together, often friends.

Master – (what Simon and the disciples called Jesus) one who is respected and obeyed.

Sinful – full of wrong that is against God.

Trip 2: A Sudden Storm – Luke 8:22-25

Commands – to direct with power

Disciples – those who follow and learn from Jesus’ life and teachings

Raging waters – wild and violent waves

Rebuke – to say strong words of correction

Squall – a sudden strong wind

Subsided – came to a stop or became less

Trip 3: A Bird’s Eye View – Matthew 6:25-34

Labour – work hard

Pagans – people who do not know God

Righteousness – living up to God’s standards; free from guilt or sin

Solomon – a wealthy and wise king in the Old Testament

Splendour – great brightness, very grand

Valuable – of great worth

Trip 4: An Unexpected U-turn – Luke 24:13-35

Angels – messengers of God that bring special news

Assembled – got everyone together

Chief Priests – priests with the highest authority in the Jewish temple

Crucified – put to death by binding or nailing the person to a cross

Downcast – feeling low or sad

Foolish – lacking good sense

Gave thanks – prayed to thank God for the food

Messiah – the one promised and specially chosen by God to save his people

Moses – a leader of God’s people in the Old Testament who led them out of slavery in Egypt and through the wilderness to get to the land God promised them

Prophet – someone who tells God’s people what God wants and what the future will be like

Redeem – to save a person by paying for what is owed by them to another so they can be freed from their debt

Risen – came alive after being dead (also known as resurrection)

Scriptures – in Jesus’ day scriptures are writings in the Old Testament of the Bible

Tomb – a cave or place dug into a rock for the burial of bodies

Vision – the sight of something supernatural that is not a dream